Mackerel with Mediterranean vegetables and Lyonaise potatoes
- 2 courgette
- 1 red pepper
- 1 green pepper
- 1 yellow pepper
- ½ aubergine
- 1 red onion
- 4 cloves garlic
- 4 mackerel fillets
- 300ml olive oil
- 4 potatoes
- 1 white onion
- 30 gr butter
- 2 tbspn pesto
- For the roasted vegetables: dice the courgette, bell peppers, aubergine and red onion. Toss the chopped vegetables and crushed garlic in a little olive oil and season. Place in hot oven to roast and get good colour taking care not to singe.
- For the Lynonnaise potatoes: cook the potatoes in boiling water until just cooked and drain in colander. Slice and store until needed. Finely slice the onion.
- Filet the mackerel and store the filets in the fridge until needed.
- When ready to serve, heat some olive oil in non-stick thick bottomed pan and add potatoes turning occasionally for 6 – 8 minutes until cooked. After 3 minutes add finely sliced onion and keep turning potatoes taking care not to colour the onions too much adding the butter just prior to serving
- For the mackerel fillets: heat a non-stick pan with a little olive oil. Flour the mackerel and cook skin side down until the skin is crispy, turn and allow to finish cooking.
- To finish and assemble dish: place the roasted vegetables and Lyonnaise potatoes in the centre of the plate. Put the Mackerel fillets crossed on the top and drizzle with pesto around the side of the plate.
Stuff to know
Roasting the vegetables brings out their flavour.
Do not overcook the mackerel, it doesn't need much cooking.
Do not overcook the mackerel, it doesn't need much cooking.